Josh Wardcwalden69412018-04-02T03:02:27+00:00 Josh Ward Co-Host of Sports 180 WNML “Let’s fight together to end hunger in America.”
Frank Eppolitocwalden69412019-03-24T17:50:00+00:00 Frank Eppolito Ambassador “Always coach from the inside out and your results will be phenomenal.”
Jaime Hemsleycwalden69412019-03-24T17:49:08+00:00 Jaime Hemsley Board Member “If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the...
Susan Grahamcwalden69412019-03-24T17:51:14+00:00 Susan Graham Nashville Leader “I love the Scarecrow Foundation and taking part in every event they hold. Always...
Rachael Bornscwalden69412018-04-02T02:51:10+00:00 Rachael Borns Nashville Leader “As a previous intern for the Scarecrow Foundation, I am blown away with how...
Shonjrell Ladnercwalden69412019-03-24T17:50:29+00:00 Shonjrell Ladner Fight Hunger Week Chairperson “Together we can feed the homeless.”
Will Westcwalden69412018-04-24T16:14:31+00:00 Will West Ambassador The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. Proverbs 22:9
Joe Consumocwalden69412018-04-02T03:36:04+00:00 Joe Consumo Board Member “Help us and together we can end hunger in America.”